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Family Night - Pasta Bar (Wed., Jun. 24th)
Posted on Jun 17th, 2015

For our third Family Night, hosted by the Walker Family, we are paying homage (once again) to the Good Old Gator Days with a Pasta Bar Dinner.  The Walker Family will be making two different sauces (one veggie, one meat) and we are looking to you all to supply the pasta, additional sauces, and sides.  This is a great opportunity to dig into those wonderful, old family sauce recipes to show off to all your friends!  The sign-up sheet is posted in the breezeway at the pool and we will need families to sign up for plain cooked pasta, sauces, garlic bread, green salad, fruits, and desserts.  Please remember that your sides should feed at least 12 people.  Adult pasta plates will be $6, kids' (10 and under please) pasta plate will be $4.  There will be no kids' hot dogs this week. As always, families should provide their own beverages.  Dinner will be served at 6:15 p.m.

When signing up via email, please be clear on how many adult and kids' plates you need and what side you would like to bring.  Final numbers are due to our hosts on Monday, June 22nd.  Please do your best to get me your orders by this date.  See you poolside!
Save the date for the next two Family Nights: July 1st (Burger Cookout) & July 8th (Taco Truck).
A couple of last things.  When signing up, please do your best to provide an accurate count of how many people will be attending.  We use the sign-ups to figure out how much food the hosts need to buy and prepare.  An accurate count gives us the best opportunity to minimize waste.  Also, there are still a few bowls and plates that have been left over from the first two family nights.  If you forgot to pick up yours on the way out, they are over by the lost and found.
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